Mother's Day - 2008

My "Sweet Spot"
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My favorite quote is taken from one of the last pages of this book. It is about George Washington. "He was not a brilliant strategist or tactician, not a gifted orator, not an intellectual. At several crucial moments he had shown marked indecisiveness. He had made serious mistakes in judgment. But experience had been his great teacher from boyhood, and in this his greatest test, he learned steadily from experience. Above all, Washington never forgot what was at stake and he never gave up." (Page 293) Wow, it pays to dig deeper and see what makes a man or woman. This quote is about a man that became our first president, that is honored by a national holiday and was addressed as his excellency, George Washington.
George Washington is proof that the experiences of our life and how we react to them make us who we are and who we will become. It takes a lot of wisdom to learn from ones experiences and how does one truly learn but through experiences. I think at times I am afraid to try something new because of a fear of the process of the experience or fear of failure. This did not seem to stop Washington because he knew what was at stake, the future of our country. What is at stake for a Christian? People who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So we must persevere and not give up serving God nor should we be afraid of the experience he might take us through because of the lives that might be changed because of the experience. Lest we are humans, so we must remember to endeavor not for the glory we might receive but so that God might be glorified through us. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 (One of my all-time favorite verses).
Now I can return this book that I have had all summer back to the library :)
An Affair to Remember

Our second week of vacation was an affair to remember. I was able to have a week long affair with my husband. We headed out Sunday afternoon as a family for Donnell Lake in Vandalia, MI. The girls were going to spend Sunday night with us because Monday was Hannah's 10th birthday.
Tom, Cindy, and family were at their cozy and inviting lake home when we arrived to give us a tour and show Eric how to use all of the fun water toys. We had a wonderful supper with them before they heade

The weather was excellent lake weather, sunny during the day with cool evenings. After the girls went to bed Eric and I caught some of the Olympics on tv and got to see Michael Phelps and the relay team get a gold medal, so exciting to watch. We turned in shortly after this. I am not sure what fabric softener Cindy uses, but the bed sheets smelled heavenly.
Monday morning we woke to hear the girls giggling from the top bunk. In honor of Hannah's birthday we had homemade cinnamon rolls with ten birthday candles on top. After breakfast we took the smaller motor boat out to explore the lake and go down a channel to another lake. We did

After our fun day in the sun we headed in to clean up to meet Eric's parents for dinner to make the H&A exchange. The girls loved being wrapped in the fluffy towels after their shower. We drove to Elkhart, IN (about 20 minutes away) to meet Gary and Diane at the Texas R
oadhouse, Hannah's choice for her birthday. It turned out to be an excellent choice as they had a special on kid's meals and there was a balloon artist.
After dinner Eric and I headed back to Vandalia to a quiet house. I felt kind of empty inside without the girls there, it did not take me long to recover, but they are so much a part of my life that I miss them when we are a part. Now my week of true relaxation and my affair with my husband could begin :)
I think all of my favorite vacations have been within eye sight of water; ocean, lake or pool, it does not matter. I am not at all a great swimmer, there is just something about being near the water that is relaxing. I would love to retire to a place near the water. I looked forward to getting up each morning and making a cup of tea and taking my Bible outside to do my devotions. The water is so still, like a sheet of glass in the morning.
Eric and I usually excised each morning. One morning we went to a nearby wooded park, he ran while I walked :) I saw an owl and some deer. It was nice to get outside the home to exercise, I usually exercise by DVD at home while the girls are still in bed. No girls this week that need me near. I then spent some time scrapbooking while Eric read. I worked on a scrapbook of pictures of clothes I have made for my family with copies of the pattern and swatches of the fabric. Third side note: the smell of the basement where I did my scrapbooking reminded me of my Great-Grandmothers home. Isn't funny how smells can bring back memories? I probably have not been in my great-grandmothers home since I was nine or ten. The afternoons were spent in the water, on the jet ski, or reading with a couple of movies thrown in. It was so nice not to be on a schedule and have children asking can I have snack, what is for supper, what can I do? It is good to have a reprieve and it is hard to have that affair if children are near by.
Wednesday afternoon was a little cloudy and rainy so we went into Three Rivers, MI to two used book stores, a favorite activity of both of ours. We made some great purchases. If you are ever in Three Rivers, I recommend the Stray Dog Bookshop, very well organized with framed quotes on the wall. I am going to have to use this decorating technique sometime. I picked up a biography on Bess Truman and a book by Edith Schaeffer entitled, Common Sense Christian Living. Edith is one of my favorite authors, I think we are kindred spirits :)
Thursday morning we headed out to golf at Garver Lake Golf Course, a nine hole course in Edwardsburg,
MI. We did not even keep score for me, but it was a fun activity to do together. We went out to Red Lobster in Elkhart with good lunch conversation before heading back to Donnell Lake. Late that afternoon we watched a great Cary Grant movie, Talk of the Town.
Friday we spent enjoying our last full day at the lake. We took the jet ski out together and then Eric went around again to see how fast he could go. Eric also had fun using Tom's restored 1980's John Deere tractor to haul the gas cans down to the lake to refill the jet skis and boat. We were a little out of sorts Friday evening, I think it was because we were realizing our wonderful relaxing week was coming to an end. Saturday morning we were off to Angola, IN to have a family fun day celebrating birthdays and reuniting with the girls.
Thanks Tom and Cindy for a great week!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Hannah Turns Ten 30's Style

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"Have an affair with your wife"

Monday, July 21, 2008
Vacation in Your Own Backyard Part Two

In the afternoon we headed to the pool for swimming lessons for Hannah and Abby. We have been blessed by Christine Kirshner, a student at Wheaton home for the summer. She is a lifeguard with the Park Ridge Park District. She and her family attend South Park Church. She volunteered to give the girls swim lessons for no charge. The girls have really improved and gained confidence since beginning lessons a few weeks ago.
One of the hig

After the concert we walked around Millennium Park looking at the Cloud Gate and letting the girls wade in the Crown Fountain. Around 9 we walked out to the lake to watch the fireworks shoot off the end of Navy Pier. The bugs were a little bothersome but worth it to watch the fireworks go off over Lake Michigan.
Thursday morning Eric took Abby to Skokie on a date to Putt-putt. They stopped at Dairy Queen on their way home to share a Root Beer Float. While they were gone Hannah and I rode our bikes to Uptown Park Ridge to check out the sidewalk days. No major purchase made, but it was fun to look around. We relaxed in the afternoon before driving into Chicago to the Art Institute, free on Thursday evenings :) It was raining on the way in so the drive took quite a while. Thankfully, eating some pb and j sandwiches and listening to The Mysterious Benedict Society help us endure the ride. We planned to walk to Garrett Popcorn after our visit to the Institute, but since it was raining, we decided we better get it before we went to the Institute. So Eric dropped me off and drove around the block while I picked up some Carmel Crisp and Cheese Popcorn mix to enjoy on our drive home.
We enjoyed our visit to the Institute. In one of the galleries each of us girls drew our interpretation of a Five Story Budhist Pagoda and Eric drew A Pair of Buddhist Monks. After this, Eric and Hannah headed to the Egyptian section while Abby and I spent some time in the Children's Section. Hannah's favorite painting was entitled Interrupted Reading by Camille Corot. Thankfully, the drive home went much quicker. Another day enjoying each other's company.

Friday promised to be a sunny and hot day, perfect to visit Mystic Waters, a water park in nearby Des Plaines. We spent the afternoon here enjoying the slides and lazy river. Abby even braved the long water slides. Way to go Abby, made her dad proud!
As the week began to wind down, Saturday was a relaxing day. After lunch we went to Half Price Books and exchanged some books which enabled us to each pick out a book to take back home. Eric picked out Portraits in Courage by JFK, I picked out an early American craft book, Hannah picked Falling Up by Shel Silverstein, and Abby picked out Molly Takes Flight . The girls had finished the reading program through Barnes and Noble so we went there next to pick out their free books. In the afternoon, Eric took the girls to the youth house to enjoy the Wii. I spent some relaxing moments in a comfy chair in the sunroom reading 1776.
Sunday we visited The Chapel in Libertyville. Since we were on vacation we decided to visit another church so Eric would officially be "off duty" for the morning. After attending the 11'oclock service we looked for a place to eat lunch and found An Egg Harbor Cafe in Lincolnshire. Eric and I have enjoyed going to the Egg Harbor in Arlington Heights so we decided to eat here. Eric and I had our usual Egg Harbor Chicken Salad sandwich, delicious. Abby got a rainbow pancake with m & m's and Hannah got a breakfast sandwich. We spent the remainder of the afternoon enjoying the pool. We ended the evening by eating pizza and finishing The Mysterious Benedict Society, 13 hours of story on 11 CD's. There were some surprises at the end.
All-in-all we experienced a great vacation in our own backyard.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Vacation in Your Own Back Yard
We began with swimming at Centennial Pool on Sunday afternoon followed with a meal at Wendy's for supper. Side note: Wendy's on Harlem will give 15% of all sales to Montrose Baptist Church on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. We have some friends that minister there. We came home in time for Eric to catch some of the Olympic track trials on tv. Then we spent some time listening to The Mysterious Benedict Society on CD. A great story geared toward 8-12 year olds that Eric and I also enjoyed very much! It tells the story of four gifted children and the grand adventure they go on and how they learn to work as a team. We are looking forward to the next book in this series by Trenton Lee Stewart.
After the girls went to bed Eric and I finished the first DVD of the John Adams story that HBO put out this past Spring. We are drawn to John and Abigail Adams and their commitment to each other and the formation of our great country. Their family paid the price for John's time away though. That part was sad to see.

Monday brought rainy weather perfect for visiting the Chicago History Museum, free on Mondays :) Just had to pay for parking. They have a great kid's section, however small so Abby was

Tuesday morning we did a little housework. I was feeling a little blue about being home this week and still having to do some meal preparation and housework even though we were technically on vacation. This is when I remembered the words of a wise friend who spends some time at their lake cottage during the summer. She reminds herself that even though she still needs to prepare meals and do the daily chores, the important thing is that her husband is able to spend some interrupted time with the family. I also realized with the help of Eric that this is a trade off for being a stay-at-home mom. Our vacation in our own backyard enables me to be home with the family throughout the year. Which is what I would most prefer. The time invested in my family on a daily basis is not worth working full-time to take grand vacations. And what is the definition of a grand vacation? I will let you define that for yourself :)
In the afternoon we visited The Grove in Glenview, IL. This included a tour of the historic Ke

Eric was able to find a great movie time at the Muvico in Rosemont that only charges $5 per person, the 5:00 showing. We also had coupons to get a free small popcorn and drink and two hot dogs and a large drink. We were able to make the small popcorn a large for only an additional $1. What a treat, a God thing :) I think we shared the theatre with only five other people. It was interesting watching Kit and comparing her life to life today. A lot of homes are being foreclosed around us in our communities. We also know some families that are experiencing some financial troubles as well.
Well, it is getting late, I will need to conclude our vacation in our own back yard later :) Good night.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Life You've Always Wanted
Our study begins with a DVD portion of John teaching and then we break into smaller groups for discussion. In the teaching segment John is in a park with a group of people. They are walking through a fitness circuit talking about some different spiritual disciplines. The importance of practicing spiritual disciplines is to become more like Jesus and experience life to the fullest as Jesus intended. The emphasis last night was the command to slow down and express joy. Philippians 4:4 and I Thessalonians 5:16-18. It is hard to express joy if we don't slow down and be present in the moment.
One thing that stood out to me last night is that God has given us the gift of His creation to enjoy. Summer is a wonderful time to experience His creation. Summer is also a good time to slow down and get outside to notice all the precious details of our environment with all of our senses. The shapes in the big fluffy clouds and the green grass being watered by the sprinklers. The joy that comes from riding bikes through the sprinklers showering over the sidewalk. The smell of neighbors getting ready to grill supper or of newly mown grass or hay. Slow down and breath deeply this summer and experience God's joy!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Finding My Sweet Spot
Our church is going through a time of transition and one of the transitions that is going to be made is helping the members of the family of God find their area of passion/giftedness and plugging them into it (sweet spot). A baseball bat or golf club has a "sweet spot," the area where the ball makes the correct contact causing it to soar far with not a lot of frustration or effort. It is the same with the family of God and the areas of service and ministry. If a child of God is in their "sweet spot", a lot of ministry will be accomplished without much frustration or effort.
The search for my "sweet spot" began about one year ago. This is when I realized that Abby, our youngest daughter, was moving out of the preschool years and would be attending school all day in the fall. What would then be my role? I have been blessed to be a full time stay-at-home mom/homemaker for the past eight years. My daughters would no longer be in need of my physical presence during the day. Enter into the mix a need to alleviate some of the financial pressures on our family. How was my role as full time wife and mother going to change? A wise woman at church commented that my role should not be defined in simply being a wife or mother, but being a dearly loved daughter of God. Our value does not come from what we "do" but from whose we are. This was and is reassuring, but I still wanted to find my "sweet spot."
The door opened for me to sub earlier this spring. This was a great way to earn a little extra income for the family, but still be available to Eric and the girls when they were home. I cannot say this is something that made me say, "Oh yeah, I get to sub today." So I am not sure if this is my "sweet spot." But in a way, maybe it is. I will tie the previous statement back in :)
Eric made a comment this past Sunday at lunch when we had a young couple over who he is doing some premarital counseling with. The comment had something to do with how I enjoyed cooking. This sparked something within me. Maybe my "sweet spot" is cooking, but not only cooking but everything that has do with the home. I love being a homemaker and caring for and meeting the needs of my husband and daughters. I love making our home, not a castle, but a sanctuary. And finding ways to do this creatively on one income. I love the dynamics of family life and the relationships within. So my willingness to sub this past year was a way to honor my relationship with my husband. Subbing may not have been my "sweet spot" per se, but serving my husband, family, and home is. And subbing was a way to serve my family by earning a little extra income, as will serving as the mission's secretary at church in the coming months.
It has taken me a year to come to this point :) It takes me a while to process things. It is interesting that I would start my blog with such a self-reflective entry since I detest self-reflection.
I am looking forward (and maybe a little scarred) to how God is going to use me in the future to serve in my "sweet spot" outside the home; helping newly married wives love and respect their husbands and set-up a home, helping young mothers love their children and see the positive impact they can have on their children, enhancing friendships over a nice cup of tea.
Let me know when I can have cup of tea with thee :)
My First Blog
This is the last week of school so I thought I would take a free moment to begin the Flood Family Blog. My friend, Alysa, recently began a blog this past year. I have so enjoyed reading about and catching up on the everyday happenings of her life. I do not keep a journal so I thought this would be a great way to record the events, funny sayings, and milestones of my family and I invite you to join me on this adventure.