I have been wondering what my "sweet spot" is and how do I find it? Does one's "sweet spot" have to do with one's personality, ministry gifts, or profession or combination of the three?
Our church is going through a time of transition and one of the transitions that is going to be made is helping the members of the family of God find their area of passion/giftedness and plugging them into it (sweet spot). A baseball bat or golf club has a "sweet spot," the area where the ball makes the correct contact causing it to soar far with not a lot of frustration or effort. It is the same with the family of God and the areas of service and ministry. If a child of God is in their "sweet spot", a lot of ministry will be accomplished without much frustration or effort.
The search for my "sweet spot" began about one year ago. This is when I realized that Abby, our youngest daughter, was moving out of the preschool years and would be attending school all day in the fall. What would then be my role? I have been blessed to be a full time stay-at-home mom/homemaker for the past eight years. My daughters would no longer be in need of my physical presence during the day. Enter into the mix a need to alleviate some of the financial pressures on our family. How was my role as full time wife and mother going to change? A wise woman at church commented that my role should not be defined in simply being a wife or mother, but being a dearly loved daughter of God. Our value does not come from what we "do" but from whose we are. This was and is reassuring, but I still wanted to find my "sweet spot."
The door opened for me to sub earlier this spring. This was a great way to earn a little extra income for the family, but still be available to Eric and the girls when they were home. I cannot say this is something that made me say, "Oh yeah, I get to sub today." So I am not sure if this is my "sweet spot." But in a way, maybe it is. I will tie the previous statement back in :)
Eric made a comment this past Sunday at lunch when we had a young couple over who he is doing some premarital counseling with. The comment had something to do with how I enjoyed cooking. This sparked something within me. Maybe my "sweet spot" is cooking, but not only cooking but everything that has do with the home. I love being a homemaker and caring for and meeting the needs of my husband and daughters. I love making our home, not a castle, but a sanctuary. And finding ways to do this creatively on one income. I love the dynamics of family life and the relationships within. So my willingness to sub this past year was a way to honor my relationship with my husband. Subbing may not have been my "sweet spot" per se, but serving my husband, family, and home is. And subbing was a way to serve my family by earning a little extra income, as will serving as the mission's secretary at church in the coming months.
It has taken me a year to come to this point :) It takes me a while to process things. It is interesting that I would start my blog with such a self-reflective entry since I detest self-reflection.
I am looking forward (and maybe a little scarred) to how God is going to use me in the future to serve in my "sweet spot" outside the home; helping newly married wives love and respect their husbands and set-up a home, helping young mothers love their children and see the positive impact they can have on their children, enhancing friendships over a nice cup of tea.
Let me know when I can have cup of tea with thee :)
Mother's Day - 2008

My "Sweet Spot"
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Well this is FANTASTIC. I love your self-reflective post - what a great start to what I'm sure will be a great blog. I'm going to add it to my favorites immediately!
You have an incredible gift of being peaceful and calm - I think that what you have shared about home being a sanctuary is truly serving in your giftedness. Your gentle spirit is an example to me, personally, and I am quite sure, to many others.
you are such a great writer. it's nice to see you in the blogging world. i found you through alysa's blog. so now you have some personal blogging stalkers. he he he
Oh Becky, I love the blog page, in fact I love it so much that I don't like the word blog to describe it! :) Love it! Love it! That was beautifully written, with a sophisticated style...not a novice writer. Sheena
I couldn't log in for some reason, so here's my comment:
This was a surprise--the blog and the introspection. But I could certainly see it brewing (get the tea analogy?) I am so proud of you! And the way you stated why you subbed--to support me and the family--really made sense.
I look forward to future entries!
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