I bet this title got your attention, interesting concept isn't it? Today I am dedicating this blog to my husband, my friend, and lover of 13 years today.
A book that I enjoyed reading this past Spring was From This Day Forward by Cokie and Steve Roberts. It journals the path of their marriage and how they handled their relationship, family relationships, and their careers. Early in their marriage they lived in California for a few years. One day Cokie was at the park pushing her children on the swings when the person next to her began talking about her affairs. Cokie found it very shocking and frightening, and wondered, could it happen to our marriage? This is when she instituted what she called a "have an affair with your wife" program, where every so often just the two of them would go off together for a night or two and not call each other "Mommy" or "Daddy" the whole time.
I have been mulling over this concept of having an affair with your spouse. I can not think of a better way to keep the home fires burning then to keep the passion alive in a marriage by having an affair with your spouse. Let's think about it, how does an affair happen? I believe one way is that, let's say the husband is being shown respect and admiration outside the home that he might not be getting at home. This respect may be somewhat superficial; nevertheless, a need is being fulfilled. The wife may be just taking him for granted at home. The wife may genuinely love her husband but if she is not physically and verbally expressing it, he is going to begin to look else where to meet his need. I for one, do not want this to happen to my marriage. So after thirteen years I intend to continue to keep our marriage pure by being the one having an affair with my husband.
More blogs to come on my ponderings about marriage :)
Great reminder, Becky and congratulations on 13 years of married life. You and Eric are a beautiful couple, with a deep love for each otehr. Praying your 14th year of marriage is sweeter than the last; especially with this 'affair' concept thrown into it. I know you won't be disappointed (and I bet Eric won't either! =).
Hey becky, what a great concept. I am definately going to be making sure I have affairs with my husband ALL the time. He will definately like that!
I also wanted to make a side comment. So the flys at our house are terrible this year. It actually was reminding us of a few years ago. Jason and I are having a couple over for dinner on Friday night and were planning on having a cookout...then we were so greatly reminencing about our hosting experience with you....we decided not to make the same mistake twice and eat in doors this time! So just to let you know, whenever we see flies we think of you and Eric. I bet you never thought that you would be remembered over flys!!! Thanks for being such awesome troopers during our first run at hospitality! 8-)
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